Comprehensive Pregnancy Care

Each pregnancy, labor and birth is unique, just like each family.

I walk with you on this journey and offer support along the way. I believe that normal pregnancy and birth are not medical conditions but physiologic events and for some deeply spiritual experiences. I am here to offer quality, respectful care and provide support as needed or requested, with care not to interfere in your process for a physiologic birth.

The care plan offered includes full prenatal care, basic labs, attendance at your home or birth center birth, one full year of postpartum support and all newborn assessments. *Some insurances reimburse fully.

Prenatal Care

  • Appointments are generally 30-60 minutes and can take place in the office or at your home. The initial appointment into care typically occurs around 10 weeks to confirm your pregnancy and due date, after which I see you monthly until 32 weeks. Then we begin more frequent appointments, as we make final preparations together for the big event.

  • We offer the following basic prenatal lab testing, which are all included in your package:

    Initial Labs (@10-14 weeks): CBC, HgA1c, Hep B, Hep C, ABO/Rh factor, Antibody Screening, HIV, RPR, Rubella, Vit D, GC/CT, UA/UC.

    28 week labs: CBC (repeat), Gestational Diabetes Screening, repeat STI testing if wanting the option of a water birth.

    35-37 weeks: Group B Strep (GBS) vaginal swab.

    **If we run additional labs either as indicated or at your request, those charges are separate and can be paid out-of-pocket or billed to your insurance

  • We recommend an anatomy scan ultrasound @ 20-22 weeks. Some families wish to have more ultrasounds, others decline any; your choice. We provide referrals to Sonohealth, an exceptional ultrasound practice located in North Park, San Diego, for all of our routine ultrasounds. If more advanced evaluation is necessary, we will refer to a specialist perinatologist for ultrasound. The cost of these ultrasounds are not included in our comprehensive plan, but are covered by most insurance, including Tricare and Medi-Cal.

Labor & Birth

  • You will be attended by a licensed midwife for your birth and immediate postpartum care. At least one other birth assistant who is trained in neonatal resuscitation and birth emergency skills will also attend. Whenever possible that second person is a licensed midwife.

  • Waterbirth and/or laboring in the water are an option for your home or birth center birth. We can provide you with a birth pool/tub rental.

  • Contact us to discuss your options for midwifery care and birthing at home with VBAC, twins or breech presentation.

  • You receive the same care and access to medications and support in either location. We don’t use them often, but we carry anti-hemorrhagic medication, oxygen, IV fluids, neonatal resuscitation equipment, and are certified in neonatal resuscitation and birth emergency skills. Contact us to discuss which location might be right for your family.

Postpartum Care

  • We come back to your home to check on you and your newborn 12-24 hours after your birth, again at 48-72 hours and at one week. In the meantime, we are on call 24/7 for you if you need anything. We like to see you in person at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks and 12 weeks, but if this is not your first baby and you desire less support, we can connect virtually instead.

  • After the initial newborn exam performed before discharge, with your help we continue to monitor your baby throughout the first 6 weeks.

    In particular at the 12-24 hour visit we assess your baby’s latch and provide support as needed. We also offer the non-invasive pulse oximeter CCHD screening for heart defects.

    At the 48-72 hour visit we offer the newborn hearing screening and metabolic screening and to weigh your baby.

    We continue to monitor baby’s growth and development at 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks.

  • We may not see you in person after 12 weeks, but we remain available for the first full year for postpartum support. If you have a clogged duct, mastitis, or another common issue that arises after the first 6 weeks postpartum, we are here to help.

Your family, your choices.